T.T - タイガタカハシ


Japanese designer Taiga Takahashi established this brand in New York in 2017.

Based on the brand concept of "unearthing archeological objects of the future by reviving relics of the past," the brand focuses on clothing from the era of mass production in the United States.

Through antique dealers and antique dealers overseas, he collects clothes from 70 to more than 100 years ago, amounting to thousands of pieces.

He uses an electronic microscope to magnify the vintage fabrics he collects, analyzes their composition and weave structure, and expresses them as contemporary garments.

He researches clothes that exist in the present or future from an archaeological perspective.

Designer: Taiga Takahashi (Japan)

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Regular price ¥37,400
Regular price ¥69,300
Sale price ¥55,440
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Regular price ¥140,800
Sale price ¥112,640
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Regular price ¥57,200
Regular price ¥46,200
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Regular price ¥104,500
Sale price ¥73,150
Sale One left
Regular price ¥141,900
Sale price ¥99,330
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