Brand by Russian designer Xenia Telunts from Moscow.

The brand was founded in 2013, based in the UK.

Her work draws much of its inspiration from her Armenian background, her childhood in the Soviet Union and her perspective on the environment in the UK, where she is currently based.

The philosophy of the brand is zero-waste and sustainable manufacturing, which does not produce waste or rubbish.

They offer a sustainable style, using unique patterns with minimal scraps, pure organic cotton and hemp, and recycled buttons.

Designer: Xenia Telunts (UK)


Regular price $278.62
Regular price $358.23
Regular price $358.23
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Regular price $278.62
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Regular price $278.62
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Regular price $278.62
Regular price $371.49
Sale price $297.19
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Regular price $265.35
Regular price $265.35
Regular price $265.35
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Regular price $99.51
Sale price $79.61
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Regular price $99.51
Sale price $79.61
Regular price $106.14
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Regular price $106.14
Regular price $291.89
Sale price $175.13
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Regular price $252.08
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